Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Good morning Wednesday.

Here I am back at the office, feeling... sad. Yes, sad. Was on the other side a few days back to visit my baby *BIG SMILES* and flying back was hard, until now. I'm still breathing in everything. I've never thought it would make me this weak. Now, you know who my strength is. Baby, its you.

Don't you sometimes feel like things are just so unfair? How people tend to look at you like you're a killer or something, looking at you with disgust or worse enough not bother or don't want to look at you at all. Apparently that's what I'm feeling at the moment. I'm walking with my head up and a smile to cover me up but inside, I feel heavy. Not saying I'm not happy, I am, extremely, too happy and I wish it to be that way, without anyone or anything to kill that.
