Monday, November 9, 2009

Bye crazy weekend, hello reality

And so, another week... Monday. My Monday is going on not so badly since I'm pretty not working today and that I did not have to wake up shit early and things like that...

My laptop's not working, (FUCK!!!) whenever and try and on it, it would either go blank or It'd just be stuck with the word acer on the screen... now I'm thinking... A new laptop or should I just get this one fixed? will see...

Weekend went by so fast somehow... was pretty much a crazy night for me, crazy fun... though there was some unnecessary thing that happened BUT It's all good. One thing that bummed me out was that, I kinda felt like I miss out on something, half of the time. Damn it. Another thing that bummed me out was that... I brought my camera along and I did not even take a picture with the rest! So pretty much I've to wait for the pictures from Mr.Hambri and Fydah/Koo :) other than that... I do hope they all had fun... and next year, will be just another one :)

I'm off to try and think of a way to fix my laptop now... Happy Monday people :p