Monday, December 7, 2009

And it's a Mondaaay

I've not updated on my doodles... Yet... Becaaause I've been busy with WORK and 'socializing' apparently and I've seriously been trying to squeeze in my time for them doodles but haven't exactly started finished on the last one I did... But I will asap! I haven't even start on the BIG one! Need to go to that art shop first and then I'm gonna go crazy...

How's your Monday going? Mine, was alright, not exactly having the Monday blues in which I am sure most people would be having, especially, after a fun weekend. Am I right? I'm sure I am :p my weekend was fun and chilled... Got to meet new people and surprisingly half of them knew me, well, they know my sisters, so yes.

Alright, I'm gonna stop right here. Keep on the look out for the next doodle :) till then. Have a good good night.